...But you can call me Dezza.
As a graphic designer, I am driven by pragmatic, functional and aesthetically appealing solutions. As a digital artist, I am inspired by the simplicity of nature and the complexity of the human condition. My art and my work are guided by details, creativity and the satisfaction of seeing a finished piece.
My story began in the spring of 1985, in Rio, Brazil. After a few laps around the sun, I graduated in classical ballet and jazz dance, was a dance teacher and worked professionally as a contemporary dancer. To keep things moving, I left Rio for Florianopolis, where I got my Bachelor’s degree in graphic design at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, enjoyed the most beautiful beaches and landscapes, did yoga, pilates, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing and adopted my first cat.
In 2019, I reversed the seasons and made my home in the Great White — and icy — North. Today I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia and, despite having switched from spring to fall, I continue to move around and make the most of it to leave my mark with each new lap around the sun.